Holy Prophet Elijah

I recently completed this icon of the Holy Prophet Elijah, 9"x12" acrylic and gold leaf on panel. 

This icon recalls a story of God's providence from the life of the holy prophet Elijah the Tishbite, I Kings (III Kings) 17:1-7. St. Elijah told King Ahab that it will not rain for 3 years, and he fled to the wilderness, where he lived by the Brook of Cherith. The ravens brought him bread and meat for sustenance (cf. Matthew 6:25-34). After the brook dried up, he went to the widow of Zarepath, where he miraculously extended her meager supply of flour (cf. John 6:1-15, 35-40) and raised her son from the dead, foreshadowing Christ's raising Lazarus (John 11).

Please see more of my work at www.brianwhirledge.com.


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